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Lynnwood, WA 98036

(425) 742-8880

We are hardwood flooring specialists offering the highest quality and a better value—period. When you choose to work with NW Premium Hardwood Floors, you can rest assured that you are getting the very best hardwood flooring expertise and installation available. Plus, you'll be working directly with the experts—no middle men to deal with. Our installers possess a very strong work ethic with a high attention to detail and a commitment to delivering the best results, every time. Together we provide many years of accumulated knowledge and experience in the hardwood flooring industry.

If you are considering a new hardwood floor installation or refinish for your home, business, school, or church, and have questions, we are here and ready to help.

What We Do

We Are Custom Hardwood Flooring Experts

At NW Premium Hardwood Floors, we specialize in hardwood flooring installation, custom finishing (or refinishing), and repairs. We also feature a "dustless" vacuum system to minimize the impact to your home, reduce cleanup, and ensure a spectacular result.

Types of work we do:

  • Site-Finished (Nail-Down/Sanded) Hardwood Floors

  • Pre-Finished (Engineered) Hardwood & Bamboo Flooring

  • Floating Laminate Flooring (Pergo and other brands)

  • Intricate Inlays

  • Stairs

  • Custom Finishes

  • Refinishing

  • Water Damage & Other Repairs

We use only the best products from trusted manufacturers:

  • Swedish finishes from Synteko, Precision, and Glitsa

  • Water-based, odor-free (VOC) Bona Traffic™ (one of the best water-based finishes available)

  • Quality Hardwoods from Local Suppliers

  • Pre-Finished engineered hardwood and bamboo flooring from manufacturers such as: Allwood, Armstrong, Kentwood, Schafer, Somerset, and many other quality brands

Premium Quality Guaranteed

We never subcontract our work, so you always know you're getting genuine ‘NW Premium’ quality craftsmanship—guaranteed.

We look forward to an opportunity to earn your business.