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Lynnwood, WA 98036

(425) 742-8880

We are hardwood flooring specialists offering the highest quality and a better value—period. When you choose to work with NW Premium Hardwood Floors, you can rest assured that you are getting the very best hardwood flooring expertise and installation available. Plus, you'll be working directly with the experts—no middle men to deal with. Our installers possess a very strong work ethic with a high attention to detail and a commitment to delivering the best results, every time. Together we provide many years of accumulated knowledge and experience in the hardwood flooring industry.

If you are considering a new hardwood floor installation or refinish for your home, business, school, or church, and have questions, we are here and ready to help.

Floor Care Advice & FAQ's

Caring for Your New Floors

NW Premium Hardwood Floors Service recommends the following procedures for your new or newly refinished floors with a Swedish finish. These instructions apply both to Swedish and water-based finishes.

Use your new floors with care for the first 2 to 3 weeks after application of finish. You can walk on the floor the day after we are done, but we recommend that no furniture to be placed on your floors for 3 full days. Area rugs should not be placed on the floors for at least 1 week (if water-based finish) or 3 weeks (if Glitsa finish). As the curing process take 3 weeks, it is essential that air can circulate around your floor. Any additional airflow provided (fans or open windows) will help the floors cure faster.

Felt Glides

Before you put your furniture back, we recommend that you put felt glides under the legs of your tables and chairs. They will prevent scratches as your chairs slide across the floor. You may also want to put them under any additional furniture that you move around, such as coffee tables.

Routine Maintenance

Swedish Finish floors should never be waxed, nor should you use any oil-based soaps on them. While oil-based soaps are excellent products for most wood, the oil and/or wax in them will not allow another coat of finish to adhere to the floor, and will necessitate a full refinish down the road, rather than a simple (and less expensive) recoat.

Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner.png

To remove black heel marks, paint, or practically anything else you spill on the floor, wipe off with safety solvent, available at hardware stores. Use a vacuum cleaner, untreated dust mop, or broom. Never use spray type dusting aids.

After 2 weeks, a clean, damp mop or cloth can be used. No more than once a month, use a mixture of 1-cup of white vinegar in a gallon of lukewarm water to dampen your mop, being careful not to get the floors too wet.

If, after a while, you notice a dulling of the floor finish due to film left from the vinegar, try mopping with the Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner. It is available online and in a variety of stores. Mix 1-cup in a gallon of water and use with a damp mop, making sure not to over-saturate the floors. The Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner is great in providing a thorough and quick-drying clean. You can also utilize the ready-to-use Bona spray bottle for quick touch-up cleaning, or you can use it together with a spray mop.


Q: Are hardwood floors easy to clean?

A: Hardwood floors offer easy cleaning and low maintenance if done correctly. For most spills, it is appropriate to use warm water on a damp cloth to wipe them up. For regular cleaning, be aware that many types of cleaners have wax or oils that can leave a buildup of residue on the finish, making future refinishes a problem. For this reason, we recommend Bona products, which do not leave a residue. As a convenience to our customers, we offer these high quality cleaning products for purchase directly from us.

Q: How often do I need to refinish my hardwood floors?

A: Most floors only need to be refinished about once every 5 years. Often a buff & re-coat is the better solution for restoring the beauty of the hardwoods and adding longevity between refinishes. Re-coats are much less expensive than a complete refinish, with pleasing results.

Q: What's the difference between pre-finished and onsite-finished?

A: Many customers are curious about pre-finished floors vs. onsite finishing. Though hardwood companies tend to have varied preferences, our experience has been that most customers are happier with an onsite finish because it can be maintained and re-coated over a longer period of time. While using engineered, pre-finished flooring cuts down on fumes during the initial installation, many pre-finished floors do not have the option to recoat. Repairs are also more costly on a pre-finished floor.

Q: Should I be concerned about dust when I get my floors done?

A: We are proud to provide our customers with the Dustless Sanding System. Dust is frequently a concern with installing and refinishing hardwoods, but our system eliminates any extra clean-up by the homeowner, and allows them to simply return to their home ready to enjoy the new or refinished floors.

Q: Do I need to leave my home when I get my floors done?

A: Depending on the size of the project, customers should expect to be away from the home for at least 2 to 3 days while the finish is being applied. Large projects will require additional work days, necessitating the homeowners to be away for longer. It is important to make arrangements for animals and house plants also. The initial smell from the finish is quite strong, although it dissipates quickly with sufficient air flow.

Q: Do you provide work on insurance claims?

A: Absolutely. And, as the homeowner, you have the right to choose any hardwood flooring company you wish when you have an insurance claim on your floors. Some insurance companies will try to steer you towards a particular company, however, you do not have to choose that contractor. It is wise to do your own research, get several bids, and then make your own decision.